- Introduction to alphabets, numbers, arts, animals etc.学习字母,数字与动物
- High quality books from Asia most trusted Early Childhood Network.最有资格且获得信赖的教科书
- Classroom software with animated stories, texts, images, songs, audio and games.课堂软件提供动画,文字,图片,歌曲,与游戏
- Latest lesson plan that serves 21st century teaching methods.符合 21 世纪的教学模式
- Worksheet is used as an assessment tool to understand the student’s progress.以课业来检测孩子的学习进度
- Online class for student age “6 years old” during Restriction Movement of Order (only applicable if the operation of school is not allowed).为 6 岁以上的孩子提供网课学习,如果政府宣布 MCO
Add-on Programme
(available on selective days and months).
- Drawing Class
- Holiday & Academic Camp

Full Day Programme
(Day care) 8am – 5pm, Monday to Friday

Half Day Programme for Kindergarten Students 8am – 12.30pm, Monday to Friday
Our Classes
Bunnies Toddler “Ages 3 Years”
Your child at this age is capable of learning, beginning to share, interacting with other children and this helps kids socialize. The consensus is 'the sooner, the better' in regard to a structured opportunity for learning." We have a fun teaching method that can develop your child's interest.
Learn moreBunnies Camp “Ages 4 Years”
Your child at this age will likely start to recognize symbols such as letters, colours and numbers. The child is ready to make great strides toward independence as he learns to complete certain tasks. As the kids master new skills, it can be difficult not to hover and offer assistance.
Learn moreBunnies Star “Ages 5 Years”
At this age, children are becoming more independent and love making small decisions, like what clothes to wear or what to eat for lunch. Starting school opens up a whole new social world, which comes with a new set of rules. Your child at this age will be able to write, spell, read words and understand the concept of time and the order of daily activities.
Learn moreJunior Bunnies “Ages 6 Years”
As children fully enter school, they experience exponential growth across all subjects, most notably math and reading. At this age, your child is ready to decode basic words, identify sight words in order to read age-appropriate books, write simple words and sentences using punctuation and capitalization etc.
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